Develop basic bespoke websites
— i.e., no content management systems or database-driven functionalities
— for self-employed individuals and small businesses. The components utilised for the following selected projects are as follows:
Cloudflare (CDN and DDoS Mitigation) • Cross-Browser
Compatibility (Firefox, Chrome, IE, Edge, Opera and Safari)
• Domain Name Administration • Graphics Software (Adobe Photoshop and Corel PaintShop
Pro) • Languages: HTML (4 and 5), xHTML, CSS (2 and
3), XML and JavaScript • Libraries: Bootstrap and jQuery
• Networking Protocols: HTTP over TLS (i.e., HTTPS) • SEO (Keyword Optimisation, Google PageRank
and Google Webmaster Tools) • Social Media Integration (Facebook,
Twitter, LinkedIn and YouTube) • Website Administration • Web Hosting (cPanel, Apache HTTP Server and Microsoft IIS)